Rammy lamb is growing like a weed on Momma's good milk, but soon that will come to an end. Weaning time at the end of the month and banishment to the Ram's Head Inn with his sire. Poor Rocky! He is also officially registered now with BLUNA.
Can't wait for the Maryland Sheep & Wool Festival on Saturday. Lots of yummy yarn to buy and weave. We may also pick up a white Angora wether this year too. We'll have to see what's available.
Our farm also been inspected for the Powhatan County Fall Farm Tour. There are seven farms, maybe more, competing for a spot on the tour. Hopefully we will be one of those chosen. Keep your fingers crossed for us.
And we've received notice that our application to sell at the Goochland Farmers Market has been approved. Orientation tomorrow, first sale day, May 8th.
I've also been bitten by the Bunny Bug. Yup...bunnies. Nope, not Angora bunnies, but Netherland Dwarf bunnies. The hubby and I attended the Richmond Rabbit Breeders Association show in March and had a great time. Of course we came home with the cutest pair of buns! Rabbits that is :) Darby, a VC Cinnamon (tan w/ white patches) is the little girl, and Jazz, an Opal (silver blue w/ fawn) is the little boy. I'm going to give rabbit shows a try. They're so much easier to transport than horses, sheep or dogs.
Aren't they adorable?
With everything busting out in bloom, my allergies are going into overdrive. It's been the worst pollen season EVER...but it's also been so pretty.
I'm sharing some pictures of all the fabulous flowers. And yes, you may sense a pattern...I've got a thing for PURPLE.