It's official. June was the hottest and driest month on record. Our first year at market has turned out to be a real learning experience. First, we're going to need a secondary well. Right now animal stock tanks, gardens and human needs, including the swimming pool are all met by the one household well. And water pressure is dropping. We've cut back on irrigation to hand watering but it's too little, too late. We've had crop failure of lettuce, broccoli, corn, cukes, squash and melons. The Kiwano (African Horned Melon), tomatoes, perilla and eggplants are holding on, but we don't know for how long. Hope we get rain soon!
On the critter front, the hens are getting lazy. We're gathering one or two eggs a day, total, instead of the dozen or so we need. The grasses are dried up - we're back on hay. The poor sheep are lazy too, but I can't blame them carrying all that wool around. Have to schedule shearing soon. Turns out Darby (the bunny) was not pregnant after all - so no baby bunnies yet.
Went to see Eclipse on Monday. This one was much better than the others. Of course, this was my favorite book in the series too. Today it's off to see THE LAST AIR BENDER.
I'll do a rain dance for you too! We are planning one here tonight.